Recent activity by Divyanshum29

0 answers
If CSMA transmits 8 stations network data in single channel whats is the chip code for station 5 {Assume that W1=[+1]}how to solve itsolution given is. 1111-1-1-1-1.
1 answer
after execution of 15p and 18 v operations semaphore value is same as execution of A. 3P C.12P&15VB.3V ...
1 answer
What all chapters do I need to read from the operating systems by Galvin
0 answers
Finding Deadlock In the execution of 2 processes is slightly lengthy, we have to check for all the lines and have to preempt the process ones by one is it any short proce...
6 answers
1 answer
If R1 have 120 tuples R2 have 100 tuples and R3 have 70 tuples then R1⋈R2⋈R3 WILL BE?
0 answers
Is Minimal cover of FD'S and a minimal set of FD is different things?
10 answers
Consider the following functions$f(n) = 3n^{\sqrt{n}}$$g(n) = 2^{\sqrt{n}{\log_{2}n}}$$h(n) = n!$Which of the following is true?$h(n)$ is $O(f(n))$$h(n)$ is $O(g(n))$$g(n...
2 answers
The lower bound on the no. of comparisons required to sort n numbers is __________ ?