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Mantissa is a pure fraction in signed magnitude form .What is the reprentation of decimal number12.6255*10212.6255*23with Normalization and Without Normalization
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3 answers
Which protocol is most appropriate for the situation described below . High Defnition Video streamingTCPUDPFTPSMTP
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By looking into er table how do we know it is 1:1 or N:N relation
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Deadlock avoidance is less restrictive than deadlock prevention
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2 answers
A computer has 20 tape drivers, with n processes competing for them. Each process may need five drivers. What is the maximum value of n for the system to be deadlock free...
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0 answers
$\frac{1}{10^{9}}[30*10^{-3}]+(1-\frac{1}{10^{9}})[300*10^{-9}]$ Answer should be in nano seconds
1 votes
2 answers
Please Explain How Q1 and Q2 are equal using state Minimization TechniqueState Equivalance AlgorithmTable Filling Algorithm abQ1Q2Q1Q2Q1Q2