0 answers
Which of the following is true for the predicate logic P ?~ $\forall z[P(z) \rightarrow ($~$Q(z)\rightarrow P(z)) ]$a.) P is satisfiableb.) P is Tautologyc.) P is Contrad...
0 answers
The number of ways can 10 balls be chosen from an urn containing 10 identical green balls, 5 identical yellow balls and 3 identical blue balls are __________. PS : I am i...
1 answer
Consider a page size of 1 KB and that each page table entry takes 4 B. If every page table fits into a single page and 3 level paging are used then size of virtual memory...
2 answers
The number of structurally different possible binary trees with $4$ nodes is $14$$12$$336$$168$
4 answers
2 answers
For the real time operating system, which of the following is the most suitable scheduling scheme?Round robinFirst come first servePre-emptiveRandom scheduling
1 answer
A train travels 8 km in the first quarter of an hour, 6 km in the second quarter and 40 km in the third quarter. Find the average speed of train per hour over the entire ...
1 answer
No of ways to distribute 6 different gifts to 2 student from total 4 student ? my approach ... distinct to distinct ... am getting 378 , given ans is 384 ... they permute...
4 answers
How come here deadlock is not possible?! It says each process needs a minimum of one instance to complete. So maximum could be anything greater than one and deadlock may...
0 answers
First Statement is true. But I don't know about second?
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1 answer
how should we prepare for general aptitude section of gate and when is the best time for its prep during rivision and how much time should we allot to it ?? please advice...
1 answer
What will be the time complexity?voidfun(){int i, j;for (i=1; i<=n; i++)for (j=1; j<=log(i); j++)printf("hello");}
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6 answers
Consider the following grammar$S\rightarrow Aa\mid B $$B\rightarrow a\mid BC$$C \rightarrow a\mid \in$the no of productions in simplified cfg is
1 answer
Do we have to see the WAW and WAR dependency in adjacent instructions or the full set of instructions ?