0 answers
Hi guys ,I got Google's invitation for foo-bar challenge.I think i can go for one or two level but not further with current level of practice.So without requesting for th...
0 answers
1 answer
Consider these three grammars.$$\begin{array}{|c|c|c|} \hline \textbf{Grammar G1:} & \textbf{Grammar G2:} & \textbf{Grammar G3:} \\ \hline E\rightarrow E+T \mid T & E\r...
3 answers
1 answer
Also let me know the approach to find back edges, cross edges, forward edges,How to solve these questions
0 answers
I used multilevel indexing and got 5+1 i e 6 block transfers.answer given is 18+1 i.e 19 how to know which method to be used ? ( is that 19 bcoz of 'BST' ? )
1 answer
Suppose we want to pick two numbers from {1,2……,100} randomly . The probability that sum of the two numbers is divisible by 5 is _________________
0 answers
Just a small tweak.Probably on mobile browser ( i use chrome and found the same when I switched to desktop site on phone itself) when we use "$" with just a single spac...
0 answers
Approach : 1.Select given number say 1, then find combination of rest of the elements. e.g select 1 , now remaining 4 elements, make subsets of 2 elements and add "1" i...
0 answers
Its always a confusion how Recursion works with for loop. Explain a brief.
2 answers
Doubt: ( Even if we take compliment , its wont satisfy it )
0 answers
Please explain me with simple 1-2 examples how order of a subgroup divide order of a group and why it is always true.