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1 answer
OS:Which process scheduling mechanism gives the optimal average waiting time and throughput, is it SJF or SRTF?Which DISK scheduling algo gives the minimum seek time is i...
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R2(X) R2(Y) R1(X) R1(Y) W1(X) R2(X)R2(X) R2(Y) R1(X) R1(Y) W1(X) R1(X)R2(X) R2(Y) R1(X) R1(Y) W1(X) commit(t1) R2(X)Which of the above have unrepeatable read problem?
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In the syllabus it was said “differentiability” does this mean we have partial differentiation.??
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$L= {WW^RX| W,X=(a+b)^+}$ My question was why can’t this be regular??Consider below regular expression $aa(a+b)^+ + ab(a+b)^+ +ba(a+b)^+ + bb(a+b)^+$==>$(aa+ab+ba+bb)(...