3 votes
2 answers
End delimeter is → 0111data to be sent 0111111111.What is the data we should send to the reciever?
0 votes
1 answer
The output is ____________________.
0 votes
0 answers
The output is ____________________.
1 votes
0 answers
Consider the following schedules with data item xThe number of serial schedules which are view equal to schedules but not conflict equal is ___________.
1 votes
1 answer
a)Mutual exclusion, progress, bounded wait all are satisfiedb)Mutual exclusion, progress satisfied but bounded wait not satisfiedc)Mutual exclusion satisfied progress, bo...
0 votes
0 answers
The ans given is b, but i am not able to understande why. According to me the largest eigen value is 2, and therefore none of the option matches..!
4 votes
1 answer
The Eigen values of $A=\begin{bmatrix} a& 1& 0\\1 &a &1 \\0 &1 &a \end{bmatrix}$ are______$a,a,a$$0,a,2a$$-a,2a,2a$$a,a+\sqrt{2},a-\sqrt{2}$
0 votes
1 answer
Find the total number of comparisons if merge sort is used. Explain with proper steps.2, 5, 8, 4, 1, 7, 6, 3Total no of comparison.
0 votes
1 answer
5. For n ≥ 0, Ln = {a^i b^k | i ≥ n, 0 < k < i} (a) Ln is regular, independent of value of n(b) Ln is not regular, independent of value of n(c) Ln is regular only ...
0 votes
0 answers
Can Layer 3 firewall block ports?