1 answer
My marks for gate cse 2019 as per GO is 70. This year the trend totally changed. Previous year with a marks of 70 one would get into IITB easily, rank around 50.But this ...
1 answer
1 answer
Consider the relation having tuples 200, 300 and 100 respectively. The number of tuples in relation are ______.
1 answer
A TCP machine is sending windows of 65,535 bytes over 512 Mbps channel that has 20 millisec one way delay. The line efficiency is ________ (upto two decimal places)
0 answers
Hi.I appeared in GATE 2018 CSE and my score calculated in gate overflow is 693.Is there a chance of getting a call from any of the top iit's, even from IIT Hyderabad?And ...
0 answers
Hi.I appeared in Gate 2018 CSE. My calculated score is 692 as per the score calculator of GO.I wanted to know about my chances in IIT's or NIT's.