7 answers
5 answers
2 answers
Consider the following grammar:$S \rightarrow L = P \mid P$$L \rightarrow ^*P \mid id$$P \rightarrow L$The above grammar is:AmbiguousSLR(1)LALR(1)None of the above
5 answers
A fast wide SCSI-II disk drive spins at 7200 RPM, has a sector size of 512 bytes, and holds 160 sectors per track. Estimate the sustained transfer rate of this drive57600...
0 answers
I have my GATE Score of 405 and I want to apply for PhD. I have B.E aggregate of 67% and Mtech of 8.6 CGPA and two years of IT experience in development. Can anyone sugge...
3 answers
Do we reduce PCP problem to our problem X to show that X is undecidable OR we reduce the problem X to PCP to show X's undecidability ?. A question has confused me in the...
1 answer
The question I answered was 4096 bytes and what the test answered is in KB and both the answers are correct . But in GATE how do we come to know whether the answer should...
1 answer
Consider a 5 stage pipeline with IF, ID, EX, MEM and WB latencies 8, 6, 4, 6 and 4 respectively (in ns). If IF stage is made 50% faster, the percentage it will improve th...