0 votes
0 answers
Find the number of sub algebra of the Boolean algebra D110.
0 votes
1 answer
Using Generating function , solve the recurrence relation an+2 - 2an+1 + an = 2n , n>=0 , a0=2 , a1=1
0 votes
1 answer
If f : R - R defined by , Show that f is invertible.
0 votes
0 answers
Prove that if a and b are the elements in a bounded,distributive lattice and if a has a compliment a' thena ∨ (a' ∧ b) = a ∨ b, a ∧ (a' ∨ b ) = a ∧ ...
0 votes
1 answer
Let A = {1,2,3,4} and let S= A x A .Define the Relation R on S as(a,b) R (c,d) iff a+b=c+d.Show that R is an Equivalence Relation and find S/R.
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0 answers
Solve the recurrence relationan - 4 an-1 - 11 an-2 + an-3 = 0 , a0 = 0 , a1 = -35 , a2=-85.
0 votes
1 answer
Prove that for all n>=1 , n! >= 2n-1 using principle of mathematical induction.
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0 answers
How to prove that Power set (P(S) , <= ) is a lattice, where symbols have their usual meanings.
0 votes
1 answer
The matrix of a relation R: A->A is given by MR = Determine R-1 and compliment of R.
1 votes
2 answers
Show that the function f, g :R ->R defined as : , &forall; x &isin; &#8477; are inverses of each other.
3 votes
2 answers
Draw the Hasse diagram of the set A={1,2,3,4} under the partial ordering relation "<=" i.e., "less than or equal to"?
1 votes
2 answers
Obtain the disjunctive normal form and conjuctive normal form of E(x1,x2,x3) = [ (x1 - x2) + (x1 .x3) ] ' .
1 votes
1 answer
Prove that the function f : R - R defined as f(x) = 2x + 3 for all x &epsilon; R is both one to one and onto.
1 votes
2 answers
1 votes
0 answers
Construct the DAG for the following code:a[i] = b*p = cd = a[j]e = *p*p = a[i]
0 votes
0 answers
Generate TAC for: int c; int p ; int n int i =1; n=100; c=i; p=n; while(c<p) { for(i=2;i=n;i++) { c=c+p; p=c-p; } }b) Also Construct basic block for above TAC and perform...
1 votes
0 answers
Consider the following GrammarS - V = EE - F | E+F F - V | int | (E)V - idConstruct the LALR(1) parsing table for this Grammar.
2 votes
2 answers