1 answer
What is the answer for the question given a statement about beggars?
1 answer
What is the answer for the predicate logic question,in which a formula was given and asked to find the sets satisying it?
1 answer
DRAMA= 60Dance = 30Math = 12Drama and dance and math = 2Dance and drama = 40Dance and math = 15Drama and math = 775 % of total students not participate in any the club. ...
4 answers
In $16$-bit $2$’s complement representation, the decimal number $-28$ is:$1111 \: 1111 \: 0001 \: 1100$$0000 \: 0000 \: 1110 \: 0100$$1111 \: 1111 \: 1110 \: 0100$$1000...
2 answers
What is the complexity of finding median of medians of N lists containing N elements each. N is odd and the lists are unsorted and no 2 lists have same element.
6 answers
9 answers
The number of elements that can be sorted in $\Theta(\log n)$ time using heap sort is$\Theta(1)$$\Theta(\sqrt{\log} n)$$\Theta(\frac{\log n}{\log \log n})$$\Theta(\log n)...
0 answers
Please explain the logic behind this shortcut and when to be used?
0 answers
How to take composition of a Relation? here used concept of function but when to go with the transitivity rule concept as mentioned below?Please clarify in general when t...
1 answer
Please explained detialed execution of this code, I am not getting how int stored in char, like we can interchange using ASCII but still cant store right?
1 answer
someone please post detailed solution pic for this procedure- I am getting bits 1 and 2 as errorneous.
1 answer
someone please share detailed rules for this along with solution- would be of great help.and we usually dont take start and end state- arent they extra here? coz count co...
1 answer
Please show the ideal way to deal with such comparisons as I am getting g>=f IN genral what logic shall be followed to analyse such complex comparions?
0 answers
1 answer
Can BFS and DFS both work cyclic and acyclic graphs?! Kindly explain for each of 'em. Thank you!