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0 answers
Are these return types valid for a function in C? Would any of these result in error, or simply will be ignored?1 const void f()2 extern void f()3 static void f()
0 votes
0 answers
What is −6 mod 18?Please elaborate.
0 votes
1 answer
When we convert a (minimal) NFA to DFA by subset construction method, is the DFA obtained always a minimal DFA?Please elaborate.
0 votes
1 answer
How to distinguish between a problem which is (undecidable) and which is (undecidable but partially decidable); or rather for a given problem how to say in which category...
1 votes
2 answers
Decidable or Undecidable? Given a Turing machine M, a string s and an integer k, M accepts s within k steps.Please elaborate.
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1 answer
In the first one, why is L3 compliment recursively enumerable?https://gateoverflow.in/39574#39584
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5 answers
What it the number of tokens in the following line?printf("%d numbers.", &x);
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2 answers
What does it mean when they say "An array A[1...n] consists of a permutation of numbers 1....n.".?Also I'd be grateful if you give some example.
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0 answers
$A\odot(BC) = (A\odot B)(A\odot C)$Does it hold? Please solve.
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1 answer
For a grammar to be LR(k), it should have a PDA? Like a DPDA or just PDA in general?
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2 answers
What are sequential access structures? Are arrays or linked list the sequential access structures?
4 votes
0 answers
Consider the following grammar which is not LL(1) because LL(1) table contain multiple entry for same production.The number of entries have multiple productions in LL(1) ...