8 answers
1 answer
anyone who can solve this by this methos i think it has some mistakes ?
1 answer
Boolean expression Y+(X+Y)+(X+Y')(X'+Y) IS equivalent toA)X'YB) XY'C)YD)X'Y'please explain i think ans is 1 but ans is given as C
1 answer
I read some where that if thier is one comparision at any time then only CFL otherwise CSL?plz give proof.
2 answers
What is the time complexity to insert a new Node in a singly circular linked list at Starting ? (Number of nodes in list = N)A. O(1)B. O(N)
1 answer
The number of ways we can insert 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17 in empty binary search tree such that resulting tree has the height of 6 = ___________ [height of a tree with ...
1 answer
What will be complexity to reverse the directed graph?(By reverse i mean reverse direction of all edges).Assume graph is represented by adjacency list.i) No extra spaceii...
1 answer
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z4rgivgkNVc&t=1s anyone please tell me if i choose f instead of b at 7:21 then answer will be different there are so many different a...
2 answers
3 answers
Consider the quick sort algorithm on a set of $n$ numbers, where in every recursive subroutine of the algorithm, the algorithm chooses the median of that set as the pivot...
1 answer
can masters theorem be used when base condition is given in a recurrence ?can we directly apply masters theorem to any recurrence ?
10 answers
Consider the following functions$f(n) = 3n^{\sqrt{n}}$$g(n) = 2^{\sqrt{n}{\log_{2}n}}$$h(n) = n!$Which of the following is true?$h(n)$ is $O(f(n))$$h(n)$ is $O(g(n))$$g(n...
2 answers
1 answer
The average number of probe required when inserting an element with load factor alpha (assume uniform hashing) 1 / 1-alpha how? Please explain