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If the group has 40 elements and it has two subgroups namely h and k with order 10 and 20 then what can't be order of (h intersection k)a:)10b:)20c:)3d:)1e:) 4My answer i...
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Which of the following data structure may give overflow error, even though the current number of element in it is less than its size ?(A) Simple Queue(B) Circular Queue(C...
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We are given a set of n distinct elements and an unlabelled binary tree with n nodes.how many ways can we populate the tree with the given set so that it becomes a BST01n...
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How many elements a simple queue and a circular queue both of size N can accommodates ?( A ) N and N respectively.( B ) N-1 and N-1 respectively.( C ) N and N-1 respec...