4 answers
7 answers
The minimum number of comparisons required to determine if an integer appears more than $\frac{n}{2}$ times in a sorted array of $n$ integers is$\Theta(n)$$\Theta(\log n)...
3 answers
The function $f (x) = 2.5 \log_e \left( 2 + \exp \left( x^2 - 4x + 5 \right)\right)$ attains a minimum at $x = $?$0$$1$$2$$3$$4$
4 answers
What is the maximum value of the function $f(x) = 2x^2 - 2x + 6$ in the interval $\left[0,2 \right]$?610125.5
2 answers
Let $A$ be a matrix such that $A^{k}=0$. What is the inverse of $I - A$?$0$$I$$A$$1 + A + A^{2} + ...+ A^{k - 1}$Inverse is not guaranteed to exist.
6 answers
A bag contains $10$ white balls and $15$ black balls. Two balls are drawn in succession. The probability that one of them is black and the other is white is:$\frac{2}{3}$...
9 answers
In an $SR$ latch made by cross-coupling two NAND gates, if both $S$ and $R$ inputs are set to $0$, then it will result in$Q = 0, Q' = 1$$Q = 1, Q' = 0$$Q = 1, Q' = 1$Inde...
5 answers
the complement of every context-free language is recursive ? or recursive enumerable? or both?
2 answers
A file system with a one-level directory structure is implemented on a disk with disk block size of $4K$ bytes. The disk is used as follows:$$\begin{array}{|l|}\hline \te...
5 answers
Match the pairs in the following:$$\begin{array}{ll|ll}\hline \text{(A)} & \text{Virtual memory} & \text{(p)} & \text{ Temporal Locality} \\\hline \text{(B)} & \text{Sha...