0 answers
When will the iisc csa mtech research interview result be declared?
2 answers
I am preparing for GATE - CSE 2018 and i can't decide which test series should i opt for.Should i go with ACE or MadeEasy?
2 answers
How many ways are there for arranging letters of the word AMAZING such that the 'I' appears between the two 'A's?(A) 5! ways(B) 7! ways(C) 8! ways(D) 4! waysNote: AMZIA i...
2 answers
With Rank 124 score 841. Can I get IISc by OBC category.
2 answers
Suppose there are n positive real numbers such that their sum is 20and the product is strictly greater than 1. What is the maximum possiblevalue of n?(A) 18 (B) 19 (C) 20...
1 answer
Gate score of 783 and rank 259What are the chances for old iits???Can i make it to kgp?
2 answers
I am getting AIR-97 in gate 2017 my gate score is 855 what are my chances of getting direct admission in either IISc or IIT B thanks in advance
1 answer
How to get into IIT program (MS/RA) with gate score 635 and gate rank 1340 general category?Is there any chance of top 4 NIT in spot rounds?How can I make best use of my ...
2 answers
1 answer
In how many ways can seven girls be seated at a round table so that two particular girls are separated?(a) 260(b) 320(c) 480(d) 560
1 answer
In how many different ways can 8 different shirts be distributed among 4 different people so that each receives 2 shirts?(a) 2850(b) 2680(c) 2520(d) 1908
1 answer
Does IISC consider only JEST part A for M.Tech(R) in TCS?
1 answer
i got 55.02 marks (Non-Normalized) in GATE 2017 CSE and i belong to OBC. Is there any chance for BSNL JTO or direct admission in old iit or nit.
7 answers
A system shares $9$ tape drives. The current allocation and maximum requirement of tape drives for that processes are shown below:$$\begin{array}{ccc} \textbf{Process} &...