0 answers
(a^n)^m b^n for m,n>=1 is1)DCFL 2)CFL or 3)CSL
1 answer
A binary relation R on Z × Z is defined as follows: ( a , b ) R ( c , d ) iff a = c or b = d Consider the following propositions:1. R is reflexive.2. R is symmetric. 3....
0 answers
Minimum size of ROM required to implement following set of boolean equations is :-$F1(w,x,y,z)=\sum m(0,1,2,5,7,12,13,15)$$F2(w,x,y,z)=\sum m(0,5,6,9,13,15)$ $F3(w,x,y,z...
0 answers
The r ’s compliment of an n -digit decimal number N in base r is defined for all values of N except for N = 0. If the given number is (247)9, then its 9’s compliment...
1 answer
The r ’s compliment of an n-digit decimal number N in base r is defined for all values of N except for N = 0. If the given number is (247)9, then its 9’s compliment w...