2 votes
2 answers
which one of the following string can definitely said to be a token without looking at the next input:+(++,+=)return(return a)*(*=)=(==)++ , ( ) ‘ ; option e is: plu...
1 votes
1 answer
What will be the answer to this question? L’ is the complement of language L belongs to NP does not always imply thatL’ belongs to NPL’ belongs to P both a and b
1 votes
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0 votes
2 answers
Are p and np languages all recursive? Because p and np both correspond to languages which have algorithms and algorithms means that there is a halting turning machine(eit...
1 votes
1 answer
Are p and np problems both closed under union intersection and concatenation and kleene closure? If yes then how?
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1 answer
I haven't done ardens theorem and my hill nerode theorem. However i have done questions based on them. Should i do these theorems if i am able to solve questions based on...
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0 answers
a^m b^n where m+n=p how is this a cfl? Please explain. How will the stack be managed in this kind of language? also why can't cfl perform multiplication and subtraction? ...
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0 answers
I found out its regular expression to be00(0+11*0+11*10)*11*is this regular expression correct for the finite automata given above?
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0 answers
For this given 3 state machine, what will be the regular expressions for the following cases:When A is the final state. When B is the final stateWhen C is the final state...
0 votes
1 answer
What is the number of states in the minimal dfa representing the language a*b* ?
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1 answer
L is regular <= there exists a linear grammar for L. Which way is it true and which way is it false? Please explain in detail
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1 answer
S→ aSb/epsilonis this linear grammar? I know it's a cfg but is it linear as well?
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1 answer
Is context free grammar linear grammar?
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1 answer
i wanted to ask that i have all the material for gate. But the question bank which i have(apart from the previous years) does not have answer key. Is it okay to solve que...
1 votes
1 answer
Do i have to study the conversation of pda to Cfg or cfg to pda? Is this an important concept with relevance to gate? I know how to individually make them though.
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0 answers
what will be the pushdown automata for the language, L=a^n b^m where n=2m+1.
0 votes
1 answer
Can i dfa has lesser states than an nfa?
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0 answers