0 votes
1 answer
Consider a system with 12 tape drives with:ProcessMax Need AllocatedP1105P293Is this system is in a safe or unsafe state? If it is not safe then under which condition sys...
0 votes
0 answers
Suppose that G is a cyclic group of order 10 with generator a belongs to G. Order of a^8 is ________.
3 votes
1 answer
the value of :-$\lim_{x \rightarrow 0}(\frac{1}{x^2} - \frac{1}{sin^2x})$Is_______Answer given is -1\3
0 votes
0 answers
Which of the above are true.I think only 1st one is true. But the answer given is all are true.
2 votes
2 answers
Answer given Only II is not possible but I think II and III are not possible.
7 votes
1 answer
Graph G(V,E) is a connected planar graph with no cycle of length less than 4 edges, if |V| = 15 then maximum value of |E| is:The answer given is 26.