0 answers
Hello I am from electronics background. I got Gate score 744 and rank 464 in Gate computer scienceWhat are my options next?
0 answers
It maybe silly but I am facing uncertainty in the procedure to apply to IITbI am not sure if the portal I get from Google search is the right place to do it. Also I am co...
1 answer
How to prepare for BARC exam and how many marks required to confirm interview call from the previous cutoff’s.Thankyou.
5 answers
Gate answer key says the answer of 2 Input NOR Gate as 4.
2 answers
Which are the best Test-Series for gate 2020.In terms of quality of question and for practice purposes.Just solving PYQ’s is it enough?
7 answers
Let $T$ be a tree with $10$ vertices. The sum of the degrees of all the vertices in $T$ is ________
0 answers
consider a cache with 32 blocks and each block of size 32 byte. The byte address 1216 of main memory will map which line of cache
1 answer
if you are given table like R(A,B,C,D,E,F)= {AB$\rightarrow$C, BC $\rightarrow$ A, AC$\rightarrow$ B , B $\rightarrow$ D , D$\rightarrow$ E }How many tables are required ...
1 answer
How is the maximum number of tuples for left outer join m*n. Can anyone please provide an example?
1 answer
1 answer
Suppose that average edge weight for a graph G is Aavg. Then the minimum spanning tree of G will have weight at most(n-1) Aavg. Where n is number of vertices in graph G.i...
2 answers
Find the no. of minimum cost spanning tree using Kruskal’s or Primus algorithmi am getting "4" but the answer is given "5" ...verify please