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1 answer
Let G be an undirected graph on n nodes. Any two of the following statements implies the third. Is it true or False?1. G is connected.2. G doesn't have cycles.3. G contai...
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0 answers
Database table (R) consist 1000 records. The number of minimum B+ tree index blocks required to build dense B+tree index for relation (R) are _________. Assume order of B...
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Made easy says answer is option C but i doubt it. Can somebody confirm ?
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1 answer
Which of the following languages over the alphabet Σ = {a, b, 0} is regular ?
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0 answers
Can somebody confirm whether below given solution is correct or not? I also got answer 12 but not by following below given method.
2 votes
1 answer
The maximum size of operator stack, when converting the following infix expression to postfix expression? Assume that has the highest precedence and follows right associ...
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2 answers
Consider languages L1 and L2 over alphabet Σ = {a, b}. L1 is known to be a context-free language. L2 = {w|w is prefix of w' ∈ L1}Which of the following is true ?A L2 ...
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1 answer
Consider the following C program segment:struct nodeWhat is the output of above C program when it runs on a root node of a binary tree?prints nodes at K distance from roo...
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0 answers
Consider we have an algorithm which generate preorder of any tree in Ο(log n) time, we have to create a Binary Search Tree with n distinct element. What will be the wors...
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1 answer
​​15, 20, 25, 3015, 20, 15, 2015, 15, 15, 15None of these