6 votes
The time complexity of computing the transitive closure of a binary relation on a set of $n$ elements is known to be:$O(n)$$O(n \log n)$$O \left( n^{\frac{3}{2}} \right)...
6 votes
Prove by induction that the expression for the number of diagonals in a polygon of $n$ sides is $\frac{n(n-3)}{2}$
6 votes
State whether the following statements are TRUE or FALSE:The union of two equivalence relations is also an equivalence relation.
18 votes
13 votes
Let $S$ be a set of $n$ elements. The number of ordered pairs in the largest and the smallest equivalence relations on $S$ are:$n$ and $n$$n^2$ and $n$$n^2$ and $0$$n$ an...
1 votes
Let $X$ be a set of size $n$. How many pairs of sets (A, B) are there that satisfy the condition $A\subseteq B \subseteq X$ ?$2^{n+1}$$2^{2n}$$3^{n}$$2^{n} + 1$$3^{n + 1}...
14 votes
Let A be a finite set of size n. The number of elements in the power set of $A\times A$ is:$2^{2^n}$$2^{n^2}$$\left(2^n\right)^2$$\left(2^2\right)^n$None of the above
–2 votes
How many pairs of sets $(A, B)$ are there that satisfy the condition $A, B \subseteq \left\{1, 2,...,5\right\}, A \cap B = \{\}?$$125$$127$$130$$243$$257$
5 votes
The number of elements in the power set $P(S)$ of the set $S=\{\{\emptyset\}, 1, \{2, 3\}\}$ is:$2$$4$$8$None of the above
11 votes
Let $E, F$ and $G$ be finite sets. Let$X = (E ∩ F) - (F ∩ G)$ and$Y = (E - (E ∩ G)) - (E - F)$.Which one of the following is true?$X ⊂ Y$$X ⊃ Y$$X = Y$$X - Y �...
7 votes
Which one of the first order predicate calculus statements given below correctly expresses the following English statement? Tigers and lions attack if they are hungry or ...