Recent activity by Yashdeep2000

3 answers
4 answers
Consider the following parse tree for the expression a#b$\$$c$\$$d#e#f, involving two binary operators $\$$ and #.Which one of the following is correct for the given par...
1 answer
People say that "we should have our basics clear and we should have conceptual clearity" in any particular topic, what is the meaning of "conceptual clearity"?What do top...
8 answers
What is the maximum number of edges in an acyclic undirected graph with $n$ vertices?$n-1$$n$$n+1$$2n-1$
1 answer
I know that the number of equivalence relation is bell no. i.e 7th bell no. i.e. 877, but i am not able to find the cardinality of R!Please help!
1 answer
I am struggling to find complement of ‘b’ clearly ‘c’ and ‘d’ are not, also ‘g’ can also not be complement since (g join b = g).Please help me with this!