1 answer
Plz explain ? How to solve such que. As I have solved this type of que earlier but when I am doing revision I am not able to do it. So plz provide some good explanation.....
1 answer
What is mean here by word size=4 Byte ?Please solve the below question
1 answer
We know, Conservative 2PL is another name of Strict 2PL. But According to Navathe bookConservative 2PL is deadlock free,but Strict 2PL can have deadlock.Then how both cou...
5 answers
Consider the following two transactions$: T1$ and $T2.$$\begin{array}{clcl} T1: & \text{read (A);} & T2: & \text{read (B);} \\ & \text{read (B);} & & \text{read (A);} \\ ...