3 answers
if s is a binary semaphore and the initial value of s is 1 then can 'signal' be performed on s ? what will happen if signal(s) is performed?
2 answers
Encode / Decode data for physical transmission is done by which layer of OSI reference model?
1 answer
I Got 45.67 marks and current GATE Score according to PRAGY App is 594.67 . Which NITs I could expext and how to prepare for Inteview . Please Suggest . Thanking you...
1 answer
#admissionsIf anyone receives any update regarding opening of admission process in any IIT please comment.If there is any existing post then let us know.IISc has started ...
0 answers
i am checking for my response sheet from 8pm.but is showing that their server has interal problem and not showing my response sheet...when this issue will be resolved?
3 answers
let D= {w | w contains an even no. of a's and an odd no. of b's and does not contain the substring ab }give a DFA with Five states that recognizes D and a regular express...
2 answers
1. How many minimum tables required which satisfy 1NF.2. How many minimum tables required which satisfy BCNF.3. How many minimum tables required which satisfy 4NF.
1 answer
L={<G | G is CFG and G is not ambiguous}.Most restrictive set of languages L belongs to isa) CFLb) TM decidablec) TM recognizabled) not TM recognizable
0 answers
consider the following transactionsT1:r1(A)w1(A)r1(B)w1(B)T2:r2(B)w2(B)r2(A)w2(A)a)how many schedules serializable asT1 >T2what this question is asking??
1 answer
Let f(n) = Ω(n), g(n) = O(n), h(n) = θ(n). Then [ f(n) + g(n)] - h(n) is ______________ ?A) Ω(n2)B) O(n)C) θ(n)D) None
0 answers
1 answer
Ques: Can Round Robin algorithm be non-preemptive ?My answer: RR with largest Burst Time as Time Quantum is FCFS in nature and its non-preemptiveAm I right ? Please corre...
0 answers
Packets are being transmitted using GB5 and here every 4th packet is lost.How many packets need to be transmitted to transmit 10 packets?
2 answers
Given answer is 3. I am getting Two entries.Check it once.
1 answer
A student can take one or more courses and courses can be offered to any number of students. Which of the following represents given scenario in ER-modelwhich is correct?...
4 answers
construct the minimal DFA for the language L={ 3rd symbol from the R.H.S is 'a'} and ∈={a.b}.
2 answers
State True or False and Tell reason1) 2PL is always conflict serializable2)Timestamp protocol is conflict and view serializable
0 answers
How one to many relation refers a foreign key?
1 answer
Consider a system using paging with TLB.What hit ratio is required to reduce the effective memory access time from 200 ns to 140 ns , by assuming TLB access time of 20 ns...