0 votes
I Got 45.67 marks and current GATE Score according to PRAGY App is 594.67 . Which NITs I could expext and how to prepare for Inteview . Please Suggest . Thanking you...
0 votes
#admissionsIf anyone receives any update regarding opening of admission process in any IIT please comment.If there is any existing post then let us know.IISc has started ...
0 votes
A student can take one or more courses and courses can be offered to any number of students. Which of the following represents given scenario in ER-modelwhich is correct?...
2 votes
construct the minimal DFA for the language L={ 3rd symbol from the R.H.S is 'a'} and ∈={a.b}.
4 votes
Consider a system using paging with TLB.What hit ratio is required to reduce the effective memory access time from 200 ns to 140 ns , by assuming TLB access time of 20 ns...
0 votes
What does it mean for grammar or a language if it has a shift-reduce conflict or reduce-reduce conflict?Is the language/grammar ambiguous? (always/maybe)? I want to know ...
0 votes
A minimum state deterministic finite automaton accepting the language L={w∣w∈{0,1}} where fifth symbol from the right is 0 has how many states?
0 votes
for(i=0;i<=n;i++) for(j=i;j<=n;j++) for(k=j;k<=n;k++) S++;
2 votes
Q. An unordered list contains n distinct elements. The number of comparisons to find an element in this list that is either maximum or minimum isAO(nlogn)BO(n)...
0 votes
1 votes
#include <stdio.h int main(void) { int b; b='100'; printf("%c",b); return 0; }this shows output as 0.i didnt understand it?
0 votes
Construct TM for L ={a^nb^nc^n|n>=1}.
1 votes
let D= {w | w contains an even no. of a's and an odd no. of b's and does not contain the substring ab }give a DFA with Five states that recognizes D and a regular express...
6 votes
1 votes
What is the output of the above program?Explanation:(*(*(*p) -2)) = E (*(*(*p)[0]+1)) = A E - A = 4
4 votes
1 votes
Let A be a square matrix such that $A^{3}$ = 0, but $A^{2} \neq 0$. Then which of the following statements is not necessarily true?(A) $A \neq A^{2}$(B) Eigenvalues of $A...
5 votes
void main() { unsigned char var=0; for(var=0;var<=255;var++) { printf("%d ",var); } }What is output of this code?
1 votes
#include <stdio.h #define foo(a,b) #b int main(void) { int a=10,b=15,ab=20; // your code goes here printf("%d",ab+foo(a,b)); return 0; } What is the output?