1 votes
$\textsf{IEEE 802.11}$ is standard forEthernetBluetoothBroadband WirelessWireless LANs
1 votes
When a host on network A sends a message to a host on network B, which address does the router look at?PortIPPhysicalSubnet mask
6 votes
A physical DFD specifieswhat processes will be usedwho generates data and who processes itwhat each person in an organization doeswhich data will be generated
1 votes
In UML diagram of a classstate of object cannot be representedstate is irrelevantstate is represented as an attributestate is represented as a result of an operation
1 votes
Djikstra’s algorithm is used toCreate LSAsFlood an internet with informationCalculate the routing tablesCreate a link state database
1 votes
is it possible for FCFS to give lesser avg waiting time than SJF in any case if yes than explain with an numerical example
1 votes
Why do we need segmentation and fragmentation both ???Ultimately both are dividing the message!Please clear my doubt
2 votes
What is the output of this C code?#include<stdio.h void main() { int k=5; int *p=&k; int m=&p; printf("%d %d %d",k,*p, m); }5 5 5 5 5 junk5 junk junkcompile time error
7 votes
1 votes
A given connected graph $\text{G}$ is a Euler Graph if and only if all vertices of $\text{G}$ are ofsame degree even degreeodd degree ...
2 votes
A system has 3 processes sharing 4 resources. If each process needs a maximum of 2 units, thenDeadlock can never occurDeadlock may occurDeadlock has to occurNone of these...
0 votes
Recursive descent parsing is an example ofTop-down parsersBottom-up parsersPredictive parsersNone of the above
2 votes
At a particular time of computation the value of a counting semaphore is 7. Then 20 $P$ operations and $x$ $V$ operations were completed on this semaphore. If the new val...
22 votes
2 votes
Which of the following languages are regular and whya) L= {a n! :n>=1}b)L= {an :n is a perfect square}c)L= {an :n is not a perfect square}d)L= {an :n is not a prime n...
1 votes
how is bridge different from repeater?Can anyone tell reason whehther a LAN can be extended to any size by increasing the number of repeaters or not ???
0 votes
What is this Traffic Shaping in context of Congestion Control ? What are the available techniques please somebody tell ?
0 votes
Are Both UDP and IP unreliable to the same degree? When will UDP be used instead of TCP ?
1 votes
MAC and IP Addresses are both globally unique.Can MAC Address be used in Internet Instead of IP Address? Why or why not?
1 votes
Find the sum of n terms of the series$log a+ log \frac{a^{2}}{b} + log \frac{a^{3}}{b^{2}}+ ...$ to n terms
0 votes
what is difference between avl tree and red black tree?
3 votes
The language L = { an bm ck : k = | n − m | } is a Non-deterministic CFL right ???
4 votes
Let L = {anbn : n ≥ 0}...Is complement of the language L , DCFL or not ??? please explain your answer ...I feel it is a DCFL ...
8 votes