2 answers
What advantage does top down approch have over bottom up approach in case of dynamic programming??
0 answers
What is the effect on line utilization if we increase the number of frames for a constant message size? Lower line efficiencyHigher line efficiencyNo change in line effic...
1 answer
Which of the following is /are TRUE ?S1 : $n^{a} . n^{b} = 0$$((n^{a})^{b})$ for any a, b 1S2 : $(n^{a})^{b} = 0$$((n^{a})^{b})$ for any a, b 1(1) Both S1 and S2(2) S1 ...
0 answers
What is the purpose of interrupts ? How does an interrupt differ from a trap ? Can traps be generated intentionally by a user program ? If so, for what purpose ?
5 answers
In $\text{X = (M + N }\times \text{O)/(P} \times \text{Q})$, how many one-address instructions are required to evaluate it?$4$$6$$8$$10$
2 answers
Which of the following symbol table implementations is best suited if access time is to minimum?(a) Linear list(b) Search table(c) Hash table(d) Self-organization list
3 answers
If there are five routers and six networks in intranet using link state routing, how many routing tables are there?$1$$5$$6$$11$
1 answer
Consider the group (G,*) where G is real number system except 1 and * is defined as a*b=a+b-ab then the inverse of -2 in this group is ________.
2 answers
4 answers