0 votes
1 answer
Assume x, y and z are n bit binary numbers then which of the following inequalities hold about Hamming Distance between them?A. HD(x,y)+HD(y,z)>=HD(x,z)B. HD(x,y)+HD(y,z)...
2 votes
1 answer
Consider the following two 2’s complement numbers,10001011and 11110011 and perform the arithmetic addition operation. what is the status of the carry,sign,zero and over...
0 votes
3 answers
Are Turing Recognizable and Turing Acceptable languages same? What is their relationship with recursive enumerable and recursive language?
8 votes
5 answers
Identify the regular expression which represents the language containing all strings of $a's$ and $b's$ where each string contains at least two $b's$$(a+b)^*ba^*b$$(a+b)^...