0 votes
Dispatch latency is(a) Time taken to swap a process.(b) The time taken to the submission and completion of the process.(c) The time taken to stop a process and start anot...
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i don't know the actual answer for the question
0 votes
A bit stuffing based framing protocol used an 8-bit delimiter pattern of HDLC's flag. if the input bit string is 1011111110111110 then the output bit string after stuffin...
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1 votes
is there anyone who can tell where is Discrete Mathmatics in Gate overflow pdf ??
0 votes
An n-bit binary string is selected uniformly at random.For a k $\geq$ 1,what is the probability of selecting an n-bit string in which there is a substring of length at le...
0 votes
What will be the output of the below C program?#include <stdio.h int xyz(int b) { return (b ); } int main() { int a = xyz(12); printf("%d", ++a); return 0; }(a)10 (b)11 (...
1 votes
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Suppose A is a sorted array and some of the elements are duplicates. What is the best upper bound to find out the number of elements that are equal to a given key 'k'a)...
0 votes
If given numbers are 12,7,15,8,19,20,17,21,5,3 in _______ passes of quick sort element 5 will be in sorted position. (Considering last element as pivot)
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for stop and wait ARP,for n data packets sent ___acknowledgements needed.
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What is the asymptotic performance of TREE-INSERT when used to insert nitems with identical keys into an initially empty binary search tree?
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Please someone explain this...how the language is phi and explain the problem..????Thanks in advance
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problem of making change for n cents using the fewest number of coins
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Assume coins with denominator 20,15,5 and 1 are available ,we are required to make a sum of 33,using minimum number of coins.Difference between answer using greedy techni...
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Unlike greedy algorithms, dynamic programming method always provide correct/optimal solution.Is the above statement correct?
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Say I have a Binary Semaphore S initialized to 1. Consider V() as Signal and P() as Wait. If I now invoke V(S), will it wait for S to become 0? Or will it go on with furt...