Recent activity by ashutoshsharma

0 answers
Let G be a connected 3 - regular graph. Each edge of G lies on some cycle. Let S⊆V and C1,C2,…,Cm,m=Codd(G−S), be the odd component of G−S. Let eG(Ci,S) denote t...
0 answers
Let G be a connected 3 - regular graph. Each edge of G lies on some cycle. Let S⊆V and C1,C2,…,Cm,m=Codd(G−S), be the odd component of G−S. Let eG(Ci,S) denote t...
1 answer
Let T be a tree with n vertices and k be the maximum size of an independent set in T. Then the size of maximum matching in T is(A) k(B) n−k(C) (n−1)/2
1 answer
The size of minimum vertex cover can be - (A) Smaller than the size of maximum matching (B) No smaller than the size of maximum matching (C) Cannot say
1 answer
Given a maximum matching M, if we pick one endpoint of each edge in M, this form a valid vertex cover. TRUE FALSE
0 answers
Let T be an n - vertex tree having one vertex of degree i for i=2,3,…,k and the remaining n−k+1 vertices are of degree 1 each. Determine n in terms of k.