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The number of ways possible to form injective function from set A set B where |A| = 3 and |B| = 5 such that pth element of set A cannot match with pth element of set B ar...
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How(In S3: statement) phi is a subset of P(S) ?? It must be {phi} . Right??
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The IN clause can be used as multiple AND condition. True or false?? please explain
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How many ways 5 identical apples and 5 identical oranges be distributed among 5 people such that each person receives exactly two fruits??
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Graph can be a tree (Will it not give the maximum no. of vertices??)
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I thought it is multi set, each of the 4 places have 6 choices. so 64 . .?? please clear this out. What is multiset means??
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How many non – negative integral solutions are there to the equation $x_1 + x_2 + x_3 + x_4 + x_5 = 40$ if we must satisfy $x_1 \leq 20$ ?
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Assumed undirected graph G is connected. G has 6-vertices and 10 edges. Find the minimum number of edges whose deletion from graph G is always guarantee that it will bec...
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2 answers
What will be the number of final and non-final states for the minimal DFA accepting the language which contains all the strings that either begin or end (or both) with 01...
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2 answers
$L1 = \bigl\{a^mb^nc^pd^q \mid m+q = n+p \bigr\}$$L2 = \bigl\{a^mb^nc^pd^q \mid m+p = n+q \bigr\}$1. L1 is DCFL, L2 is not2. L2 is DCFL, L1 is not3. Both are not DCFL...
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I am not convinced by this. Please explain or please tell me the source from where I can clear this out.
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How to solve this question ??? it ws getting lengthy . I tried to evaluate the nth term but I was stuck at some point. Please help
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The condition must be |E| n-1C2 Isn't it???
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2 answers
L ={ww | w ∈{a, b}∗}Is compliment of L, CFL? Support with reason
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S1: R(A) W(A) W(B) S2: R(A) W(A) R(B) W(B)How many view serializable schedules are possible which are not conflict serializable?(A) 0 (B) 1 (C) 2 (D) 3