1 answer
Let X be a length used to make three sides of a rectangle. Area of rectangle will be:A. $X^{2}/9$B. $(X-a)^{2}/4$C. $(X+a)^{2}/16$D. None of the above
1 answer
Why is the answer a).Answer should be c.Please tell if I am wrong...
1 answer
I have confusion between the following terms:process to process deliverynode to node delivery host to host deliveryend to end deliverywhich layer provides which service a...
1 answer
when and why is disk scheduling used? also who performs disk scheduling?
2 answers
20) If S d is a dual of S then (S d )d ⇔a) ~S b) S c) T d) F
2 answers
what is the difference between connection oriented and connection less services?
2 answers
∀x∃y P(x) → Q(y) ≡ ∀x P(x) → ∃yQ(y)We have to prove whether this is a tautology or not.How do we proceed ?
1 answer
In CSE, general category I got 36.90 marks, my score is 483 and a rank of 4590 in GATE 2017. Can I get any NIT or any college through CCMT?
2 answers
My doubt is as follows:Which NET exam is for computer science students:CBSE/UGC NET or CSIR - UGC NETand what is the subject code.Information for the same would be very u...