1 answer
find T(n) = T(n-1)*T(n-2), given T(1) = a and T(2) = b
0 answers
does student pursuing Mtech from IIIT Hyderabad get gate stipend?I doubted because the website showing NIL - https://www.iiit.ac.in/admissions/postgraduate/monsoon/fee/
1 answer
is any one have applied for ongc 2018 GT ? I am unable to find any link for registration. And in Gateoverflow it is showing last date to apply is 15 Feb 2018.
3 answers
sum = 0;for( i = 0; i < n; i++)for( j = 0; j < i*i; j++) for( k = 0; k < j; k++) sum++; how to solve this :( help someone time complexity = o(n^5 ) how ??
1 answer
main(){char a [3][3] = {'g','a','t','e','s','q','u','I','z'};printf("%s", a);the answer is gatequiz, to refer to a 3dimensional array the printf statement should be *a r...
2 answers
main() { char check ='a'; switch(check) { case 'a'||1:printf("gats"); case 'b' || 2: printf("quiz"); break; default :printf("Gatesquiz"); } }a)gatesb)gatesquizc)gatesquiz...
2 answers
Please share some good resources and questions which can make it easier for me to understand and apply Rice theorem.
2 answers
How C is the answer here ? for the transition Delta(Q0,1,x) to work we need X in top od stack ...so we need at least one 0 for that..so according to me D should be the an...
1 answer
I am getting B.. but given answer is C... As H1 sends 300 bytes and initial sequence number is 302.. then it should be transfer bytes from 302-901.. and would be expectin...
1 answer
#include<stdio.h>int main(){char str[20];printf("enter string");scanf("%s",&str);printf("%s",str);} warning getting "format ‘%s’ expects argument of type ‘char *�...
1 answer
if language A is mapping reducible to language B then ,the statement - "B is recursive enumerable then A is recursive" is always true ?
1 answer
why intersection of cfl and rl is cfl?