8 answers
An unbiased coin is tossed repeatedly until the outcome of two successive tosses is the same. Assuming that the trials are independent, the expected number of tosses is$3...
1 answer
Give a combinatorial argument to establish the identity below for any nonnegative integer n:$\sum_{k=0}^{n} k\binom{n}{k}=n\ast 2^{n-1}$
3 answers
Is it necessary to solve question which is in standard book :- ie(exercise question) Or only pyqs solving is sufficient??
2 answers
The lower bound on the no. of comparisons required to sort n numbers is __________ ?
2 answers
The inequality $\frac{2-gx+x^{2}}{1-x+x^{2}}\leq 3$ is true for all the value of $x$ if and only if$1\leq g\leq 7$$-1\leq g\leq 1$$-6\leq g\leq 7$$-1\leq g\leq 7$
1 answer
How many pairs $(x,y)$ such that $x+y <= k$, where x y and k are integers and $x,y>=0, k 0$.Solve by summation rules.Solve by combinatorial argument.
1 answer
1 answer
The probability that a teacher will give an unannounced test during any class is 1/5. If a student is absent twice, then probability that misses at least one test is(a) 2...
1 answer
what is the output of the following program?int ret = fork(); if(ret == 0) { exec(some_binary); // this call fails printf("child "); }else { wait(); printf("parent\n"); }...
0 answers
Consider a process in kernel mode that acquires a spin-lock. For correct operation, it must disable interrupts on its CPU core for the duration that the spin-lock is held...
1 answer
The read system call to fetch data from a file always blocks the invoking process.[True / False] [blocking means context switching to another process]
1 answer
When a process opens a file that is already being read by another process, the file descriptors in both process will point to the same open file table entry.[True / False...
2 answers
The fork system call creates new entries in the open file table for the newly created child process. [True / False][ what is open file table ? ]
0 answers
The four privileged modes (Ring 0 to Ring 3 as provided by x86) are the minimum levels of execution modes required for an operating system to operate correctly
0 answers
Illustrate the sequence of events/steps for invocation and execution of a system call. Starting from the user level call and back.