11 answers
In a binary tree, the number of internal nodes of degree $1$ is $5$, and the number of internal nodes of degree $2$ is $10$. The number of leaf nodes in the binary tree i...
0 answers
S: r1(A) w1(B) r2(A) w2(B) r3(A) w3(B)Total number of schedules that are view equivalent to S are_________
0 answers
A leaky Bucket with capacity 200MB is at host network interface. The data rate on the network is 2MBps. If the Host has 450 MB to send on the network and it sends data in...
0 answers
In a RSA cryptosystem a participant uses two prime numbers p and q is 17 and 11 respectively to generate his/her public and private keys...If the public keybof participan...
2 answers
Draw the polygraph and explain whether it is view-serializable or not?
0 answers
Do we have to study control flow graph and activation record for GATE2019 ?
1 answer
employee(person-name,street,city)works(person-name,company-name,salary)company(company-name,city)manages(person-name,manager-name) Find all employees who earn more than e...