2 answers
llimit 1 / ( 1 + (sin x / x ) ) // can we directly put sin x / x =1 is this valid because its not in product form ?x ->0
5 answers
5 answers
0 answers
Assume that the instruction is stored in the memory which is byte addressable and starting address is is 704 (decimal system ).
0 answers
host a needs to send a payload size of 2400 bytes to host B across the network having MTU of 400 bytes if fragmentation takes place how many fragment will be there & wha...
1 answer
A class C network is sub divided into subnets with $3$ bit subnet number, the maximum number of available hosts in each sub network is __________
1 answer
The bandwidth in a Stop n Wait ARQ is $1$ Gbps and $1$ bit delay to make round trip time $30$ microseconds, if data frames are $2000$ bits in length then the link is util...
3 answers
Let the number of bits used to represent the frame sequence number is $x$ then the total number of frames in the sliding window can be send from sender side using Go Back...
1 answer
Routers can be configured using several sources, which among these can not be used for Router Configuration?Removable mediaConsole portTFTP serverVirtual terminals