2 answers
BCNF is not used for cases where a relation hasTwo (or more) candidate keysTwo candidate keys and compositeThe candidate key overlapTwo mutually exclusive foreign keys
1 answer
4 answers
Which of the following class of statement usually produces no executable code when compiled?declarationassignment statementsinput and output statementsstructural statemen...
2 answers
In the given network of AND and OR gates $f$ can be written as$\text{X}_0\text{X}_1\text{X}_2 \dots \text{X}_n + \text{X}_1\text{X}_2 \dots \text{X}_n + \text{X}_2\text{X...
2 answers
On a LAN ,where are IP datagrams transported?In the LAN headerIn the application fieldIn the information field of the LAN frameAfter the TCP header
1 answer
A CPU scheduling algorithm determines an order for the execution of its scheduled processes. Given 'n' processes to be scheduled on one processor, how many possible diffe...
9 answers
How many different trees are there with four nodes $\text{A, B, C}$ and $\text{D}?$$30$$60$$90$$120$
3 answers
Consider the following pseudo- codewhile (m<n) if (x>y ) and (a<b) then a=a+1 y=y-1 end if m=m+1 end whileWhat is cyclomatic complexity of the above pseudo -code?2345
3 answers
The amount of ROM needed to implement a $4\text{-bit}$ multiplier is$64$ bits$128$ bits$1$ Kbits$2$ Kbits
8 answers
The minimum number of $\text{JK}$ flip-flops required to construct a synchronous counter with the count sequence $(0, 0, 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 0, 0, \ldots)$ is _______.