1 answer
What was the last rank in the waitlist group which got admission offer from IIT Kanpur last year?Is there any chance for waitlist rank of around 20?
1 answer
It seems to be an utter clusterfuck in the official answer key. It also seems that GO's key is way more reliable and accurate.The official key seems to have gotten it's q...
1 answer
What's the difference between M.Tech(IT) from IIIT Banglore and M.Tech(CSE) from IIIT Delhi?Is this (being IT and not CSE) the reason for lower cutoffs for IIIT-B and doe...
1 answer
What is the difference between the rank predicted by GATE OVERFLOW(CURRENT RANK) and the actual rank in GATE asper previous years trend ??KINDLY SOMEONE TELL
1 answer
What is opinion on the difficulty level of Gate paper this year? In comparison to SET 1 and SET 2 of last year?Difficult than SET 1Equal to SET 1Between SET 1 and SET 2Li...