1 answer
Ans given is D.I want to know the logic behind
2 answers
R(ABCDEF) with candidate keys set { A,BC,CD}. Find number of superkeys?
3 answers
how do i apply master theorem to this?https://s17.postimg.org/x7xld2nf3/Screenshot_82.pngwhat is P and K here?
0 answers
Will IIT HYDERABAD selects student based on gate score for MTECH ??if yes,then what is selection processs(DIRECT or INTERVIEW based)??
0 answers
Consider the B+ tree shown in FigureWhat is the minimum number of insertions of data entries with distinct keys that will cause the height of the original tree to change ...
0 answers
Let S = {1, 2,......,10 }.The number of unordered pairs A, B where A and B are disjoint non-empty subsets of S is _________ (counting unordered pairs simply means we don&...
2 answers
A bag contains 12 pairs of socks .four socks are picked up at random.Find the probability that there is at least one pair
4 answers
A file is organized so that the ordering of the data records is the same as or close to the ordering of data entries in some index. Then that index is calledDenseSparseCl...
0 answers
S1: R(A) W(A) W(B)S2: R(A) W(A) R(B) W(B)How many view serializable schedules are possible which are not conflict serializable?(A) 0(B) 1(C) 2(D) 3
0 answers
Consider the following two statements:P: Every regular grammar is LL(1)Q: Every regular set has a LR(1) grammarWhich of the following is TRUE?Both P and Q are trueP is tr...
6 answers
A B-tree of order $4$ is built from scratch by $10$ successive insertions. What is the maximum number of node splitting operations that may take place?$3$$4$$5$$6$