0 answers
What's the difference b/w TA and RA according to -1) How can we choose a course (Specialization) in them?2) In which we learn a lot?3) Companies preferred which students?...
0 answers
1 answer
Which sorting algorithm is good if we already knew the range of number -Counting Sort OR Radix Sort
0 answers
When we calculate avg access time, If it is not given in question like it is Hierarchal or Simultaneous access then by default we have to take which access to calculate a...
1 answer
If cache access time is $100ns$, main memory access time is $1000ns$ and the hit ratio is $0.9$. Find the average access time and also define hit ratio.
1 answer
Compute: T(n) = 2^nT(n/2) +n^n1)theta(n^n)2)theta(nlogn)3)theta(n^nlogn)4)none of these.
1 answer
Big Omega question :5n+3>=C2n for which value of c and n condition satisfies?
1 answer
If P is 7 then 3 is the primitive root ...............how?Can someone explain all the things related to this primitive root conceptI ve read it but still would be helpful...
1 answer
Plz explain the answer of ques no. 4a) 2NFb) 3NF
1 answer
plz explain why the answer is occupation ????
3 answers
a relational schema R (A, B, C, D) is decomposed into (A, B), (B, C), (B, D). If functional dependencies A → B, B → C, C → D and D → B were present in R, is the d...