0 answers
3 answers
Consider the following program segment of C-programming language:#include<stdio.h int main() { if (fork() || fork()) fork(); printf("GATE\n"); return 0; } Number of times...
0 answers
Consider a 5—stage pipeline processor used to execute 200 number of instructions and among those 100 instructions cause 3 stall cycles each. What is the total cycles re...
1 answer
follow method first draw dfa for ‘a’ always followed by ‘bb’ and reverse it
1 answer
Why the operating system has the knowledge about kernel level threads but not about user level threads?
1 answer
Does kernel level threads have separate PCB(process control block)?
1 answer
in round robin algorithm if a process with burst time = 10 arrived at t=0 and time quantum is 2 units, context switch time is 2 units . Then completion time of the proces...
1 answer
If the page table is 2MB, frame size is 1KB and each entry in page table has 16 bits then, does each entry of the page table occupy 1KB in main memory?