2 answers
Consider a binary min-heap containing $105$ distinct elements. Let $k$ be the index (in the underlying array) of the maximum element stored in the heap. The number of pos...
0 answers
Suppose A is a 12 by 9 incidence matrix from a connected (but unknown) graph with 12 edges and 9 nodes. Then how many columns of A are independent?what this question want...
0 answers
1 answer
Suppose A is a 12 by 9 incidence matrix from a connected (but unknown) graph with 9 nodes and 12 edges. The diagonal entries of $A^{T}.A$give the number of edges into eac...
4 answers
Which of the following does not interrupt a running process?A deviceTimerScheduler processPower failure
2 answers
FIND the no of 2 state dfa with the designated initial state possible over {a,b,c} which accept empty language is equal to
1 answer
if X and Y denote the no of 0,1 then the value of 2X + y is
1 answer
expected no of time a fair coin need to be tossed so that three consecutive head are obtained equal to …..
0 answers
$T\left ( n \right )= 8T\left ( \frac{n}{2} \right )+\left ( n\cdot logn \right )^{2.99}$Also can $\mathcal{O}(n^{3})$ be an upper bound to above recurrence relation?
1 answer
In multiple Granularity locking protocol at a particular node transaction T1 is holding SIX LOCK. When transaction T2 is also requesting a lock, at that node which other ...
0 answers
Is anyone preparing for NTRO scientific assessment for the interview which will held on 14th july? I could not find any resources about interview of scientist B in NTRO. ...
0 answers
The total number of binary trees possible with height n - 2 having n nodes are?(2n - 5)^ 2n - 3 (2n - 7)^2n - 3(n - 3) ^2n - 2(2n - 7)^ 2n - 2
1 answer
The total number of binary trees possible with height n - 2 having n nodes are?(2n - 5)^ 2n - 3 (2n - 7)^2n - 3(n - 3) ^2n - 2(2n - 7)^ 2n - 2
0 answers
What will be the qualifying degree for a Student who has done bsc and MCA, i plan on doing MTECH, all IITs,NITs,IIIT ask for minimum 60% in qualification degree.Is it bsc...
2 answers
Consider the regular grammar below$S \rightarrow bS \mid aA \mid \epsilon $$A \rightarrow aS \mid bA$ The Myhill-Nerode equivalence classes for the language generated by ...
1 answer
$a^{p}b^{p}a^{p} where p>=0$ can i write this lang. as cfl when a come push in to the stack when b skip all b’s again when a pop all the a from the stack …..
3 answers
the solution of the linear congruence 4x = 5(mod9)? 6 (mod 9)8 (mod 9)9(mod 9)10 (mod 9)