2 answers
Is there any shortcut or Trick to get min number of multiplication faster? I mean if we could know the right split.
2 answers
Guys, I am not getting C as the ans..Can someone help.
1 answer
find the status of the following generators related to two isolated, single bit errors.a.) x+1b,) x^4+1c) x^7+x^6+1d) x^15+x^14+1please explain this with examples in deta...
2 answers
who generate JAM signal while collision?
0 answers
Can someone please provide better explaination about how the complexity can be obtained for prim's and krushkal's algorithms using heaps.. by both binary heap and fibonac...
0 answers
Here why does the 5th query select * from employees natural join works_on where PID = 'X' AND PID='Y'; is not workingThe queries are The output are
2 answers
Here if check_txn contains its own attributes then during converting into a relational model where does its attributes will be placed either in account side ( strong enti...
1 answer
here what to do first as FIZZA and IMRAN both are unbalanced than either to do RR rotation from FIZZA-IMRAN-NAVEEN or RL rotation from IMRAN-NAVEEN-LOVELY
3 answers
answer is given 20,60but my answer is 20,10 in solution they given that (&arr+1= base address of arr+ 1*6) how it possible . Is it true or wrong
1 answer
what is the reason…..?for error..
1 answer
1 answer
Output is 7.But can someone justify, how?#include <stdio.h int f(int a, int b) { printf("%d", a + b); return 0; } int main() { f((2, 3), 4); return 0; }
0 answers
$$\frac{d}{dx}\int_{1}^{x^4} sect\space dt$$
0 answers
i have 1 doubt regarding the initialization of highlighted portion.Will the value of ’k’ change at each iteration or it will remain same (whatever value assigned to i...
1 answer
explain the soln...why multiplying by 4 and [-2]?