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1 answer
Consider the following relation:R (A1, A2, ….An) and every (n-2) attributes of R forms a candidate key. How many superkeys are there in R?
1 votes
1 answer
The average no. of comparisons performed by the merge sort algorithm, in merging 2 sorted lists of length 2 is___________.Ans: $\frac{8}{3}$
0 votes
1 answer
Find the minimum number of states in the DFA which accept the language of all strings that begin or end with 00or 11.
2 votes
1 answer
If L is CFL then $\bar{L}$ is Recursive. ( True/False)If L is CFL then $\bar{L}$ is RE. (True/Flase).
0 votes
1 answer
Suppose each of three men at a party throws his hat into the center of the room. The hats are first mixed up and each man randomly selects a hat. what is the probability...
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Online Site For practicing Relational Algebrahttps://dbis-uibk.github.io/relax/calc.htm