1 answer
1 answer
Out of six coins, four coins are tossed simultaneously.The number of possible outcomes where at most three of the coins turn up as heads is ______.
1 answer
In a class definition with $10$ methods, to make the class maximally cohesive, number of direct and indirect connections required among the methods are$90,0$$45,0$$10,10$...
3 answers
Which of the following concurrency control protocol ensures both conflict and free from deadlock? ,Time stamp ordering2 Phase lockingBoth (a) and (b)None of the above
2 answers
The subnet mask $$extends the network portion to $16$ bitsextends the network portion to $26$ bitsextends the network portion to $36$ bitshas no effect on ...
2 answers
$O(n^k)$ is complexity of the best method that finds longest Palindrome Substring in a word. For example, in the word "Atatb", the longest palindrome string is "tat". The...
1 answer
A selective repeat ARQ uses a window size of $26$ to send the data. The number of bits needed to define the sequence number is _____.