1 votes
1 answer
In case of B Trees we split a node on insertion in case of overflow,is there any possible case in which this may lead to underflow also? as a key is promoted to parent th...
4 votes
4 answers
void fun(int *p) { int q = 10; p = &q; z } int main() { int r = 20; int *p = &r; fun(p); printf("%d", *p); return 0; }
1 votes
1 answer
The language accepted by a DPDA with a final state is more compared to the DPDA with empty stack.DPDA with empty stack accepts LR(0) grammar.Can someone explain in depth/...
0 votes
1 answer
Given an algorithm to tell whether a regular languageL contains at least 100 strings
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3 answers
In Multi-processing Operating Systems:(a) Maximum utilization of CPU can be achieved(b) Maximum throughput is achieved(c) Maximum security can be achieved(d) Not suitable...
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0 answers
Turing machine,language A = {a+b=c | a, b, c are sequences of 1's; |c| = |a| + |b|; |a| >= 0 and |b| 0}.
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0 answers
Show how to do the following statement c = a + b[0]a) using register direct, imm, register indirectb) using register direct, imm, absolute addressingc) using register di...
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0 answers
Show this by following ways : c = a + b[0]a) using register direct, imm, register indirectb) using register direct, imm, absolute addressingc) using register direct, imm...
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0 answers
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0 answers
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1 answer
20 Gbps link each user using 5Gbps when active<20% time the user is active>Max. users that the network can be used by?Using circuit switching?
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0 answers
Value of Z, for SRTF ques?So that WT avg is 1ms?
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0 answers
What does additional memory for tags refer to in Direct Mapping, Associative Mapping and Set- Associative Mapping?
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1 answer
$\lim_{x\rightarrow \frac{\pi }{2}}cosx^{cosx}$can we straight away say $0^{0}=0$ ?
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0 answers
If A = {1,2,3 …. n}then how many multisets of size 4 are possible ,such that atleast of the elements appears twice.
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0 answers
In an undirected graph a self loop counts to how many edges?I read somewhere that in case of undirected graph we consider self loop to have 2 edges?