1 votes
In this one I am unable to follow in the above node marked as "-" ,it has two edges one upward and one downward for "+" node so then how to proceed with this ?
3 votes
1 votes
we use huffman encoding to encode a b c with frequency fa fb fc.Which of the following code sequence is not possible?code 1={0,10,11}code 2={0,00,1}code 3={10,00,01}
3 votes
$L1$ is a Context free language (CFL), $L2$ is a Deterministic Context free language (DCFL)and , $L = L1 \cap\overline{L2}$then $L$ isa) Need not be CFLb) not CFLc)DCFL
17 votes
A given set of processes can be implemented by using only parbegin/parend statement, if the precedence graph of these processes is ______
0 votes
If a process on the system could issue an I/O request then the process will be placed on which of the following ?a)Ready Stateb) Running statec) ready queued) I/o queue
0 votes
26 votes
The limit of $\dfrac{10^{n}}{n!}$ as $n \to \infty$ is.$0$$1$$e$$10$$\infty$
2 votes
Lightweight Directory Access protocol is used forRouting the packetsAuthenticationobtaining IP addressdomain name resolving
2 votes
In a complete $k$-ary tree, every internal node has exactly $k$ children. The number of leaves in such a tree with $n$ internal node is:$nk$$(n-1)k + 1$$n(k-1) +1$$n(k-1)...
3 votes
1) Randomly picking up to make worst case less likely to occur. 2) Calling insertion sort for small sized arrays to reduce recursive calls. 3) QuickSort is tail recursive...