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1 answer
In a non-homogeneous equation Ax = b, x has a unique solution when $A^{-1}$ exists i.e x = $A^{-1}$bbut when det(A) = 0 then we have infinite solution or many solution.p...
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1 answer
A Selective Repeat ARQ is using 7 bits to represent the sequence numbers.The maximum window size is __________.(ans is 64)why It is
1 votes
0 answers
Is there any relationship between Irredundant or Irreducable expression with minimal expression???I mean can we say like “every irredundant is minimal” or “every mi...
0 votes
1 answer
L1 $\cap$ L2 = $\phi$ This problem is decidable or undecidable in case of CSL, REL, & REnL ????
0 votes
2 answers
Why B-tree & B+ tree is used in database indexing instead of other tree like BST, Binary tree etc??
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1 answer
What is the actual difference between binary semaphore & Mutex????? Are both same thing????What is the up() code for binary semaphore?????
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0 answers
please suggest me some good tutorials for AVL tree rotation.
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2 answers
If an Interrupt occurs during process executing in CPU then the process will move RUN to READY or RUN to WAIT/BLOCK ?
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0 answers
Can I calculate Page Table Size by just multiplying No. Of Pages & Frame No. if PTE size is not given?
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1 answer
Can I give any grammer for the language L = { anbncn / n>=1} Like this
1 votes
1 answer
Consider the following C function:int f(int n) { static int r = 0; if (n <= 0) return 1; if (n 3) { r = n; return f(n-1) + 2; } return ...
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4 answers
Can I write $a^* + b^* = (a + b)^*$ ????