4 answers
Consider the following function.double f(double x){ if( abs(x*x - 3) < 0.01) return x; else return f(x/2 + 1.5/x); }Give a value $q$ (to $2$ decimals) such that $f(q)$ wi...
5 answers
Which of the following input sequences will always generate a $1$ at the output $z$ at the end of the third cycle?$\begin{array}{|l|l|}\hline \textbf{A} & \textbf{B} & \t...
5 answers
Four fair six-sided dice are rolled. The probability that the sum of the results being $22$ is $\dfrac{X}{1296}$. The value of $X$ is _______
1 answer
The advantage of Synchronous Sequential circuits over Asynchronous Sequential circuits is :Faster operationEasy to avoid problems due to HazardsLower hardware requirement...
2 answers
How many pairs of sets $(A, B)$ are there that satisfy the condition $A, B \subseteq \left\{1, 2,...,5\right\}, A \cap B = \{\}?$$125$$127$$130$$243$$257$
1 answer
6 answers
The transitive closure of the relation $\left\{(1, 2), (2, 3), (3, 4), (5, 4)\right\}$ on the set $\left\{1, 2, 3, 4, 5\right\}$ is ___________.
6 answers
What value would the following function return for the input $x=95$?Function fun (x:integer):integer; Begin If x 100 then fun = x – 10 Else fun = fun(fun (x+11)) End;$...
1 answer
What is the Best Case run time of Heap Sort ?A. $O(1)$B. $O(n)$C. $O(n \log n)$D. $O(\log n)$
4 answers
Out of a group of $21$ persons, $9$ eat vegetables, $10$ eat fish and $7$ eat eggs. $5$ persons eat all three. How many persons eat at least two out of the three dishes?