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R is a relation define on set A = {1,2,3}. The R is symmetric, transitive and irreflexive. Then |R| =
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0 answers
Is RAID structure in syllabus in operating system ???
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0 answers
@Arjun sir,How can I access the read questions? Will I have to bookmark them all? At the time of revision it helps a lot to go through the read questions.Please help. Can...
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1 answer
What does this line means? UDP is no-frills extension of "best effort" IP
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how to access the GO pdf softcopy? I can't see the link in the GO classroom. or may be I am not able to discover. Please guide.
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Longest subarray having average greater than or equal to x. Given an array of N integers. The task is to find the longest contiguous subarray so that the average of its e...
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How is the gateforum test series? Is it worthy taking ?